The Academy Ted-Ed club has been busy discovering, exploring, and researching their passions to be ready to present Ted-style talks to our ACS Athens community and beyond. Students from grades 9-11 have been engaged in voicing their curiosities through collaboration with their mentors, the writing studio, and each other while learning the art of giving and receiving effective feedback, critical thinking, creativity, and so much more. For many, it is the first time they are giving a talk LIVE due to the Covid pandemic. The theme for this year's presentations all center around being conscious about our decisions as we navigate our busy lives with food, the environment, technology and physics, solitude, alcohol use or abuse, and more. We are so proud of our Ted-Eders! 

Tune in today, May 25th at 1:30 pm, and watch our students in action.

Many thanks to the Ted-Ed Club Advisors, Christina Rocha, and Stavi Dimas, for their valuable guidance.