NoRedInk Program
What is NoRedInk?
The Learning Commons is proud to oversee the NoRedInk Program offered for ACS Athens for its Elementary and Middle School students.
NoRedInk is an educational software aimed at helping students improve language fluency, language skills and language styles thus building strong writers. Its comprehensive curriculum also aims at improving critical thinking skills.
Where does the name NoRedInk originate from?
The creator of this software tool adopted the name of NoRedInk after his students voted on it. The idea was to help students get more than just red ink as feedback when submitting their writing assignments!
How does NoRedInk achieve its aims?
Students are given adaptive grammar exercises and scaffolded writing activities that deliver differentiated support. This means that students start each task at their own level and learning pace thus allowing them to master concepts and grammar. Students come across a variety of questions to which they have to respond.
Faculty and staff utilize data analytics to provide students with helpful suggestions and to create differentiated and scalable instruction.
All content is aligned to school wide standards to ensure students meet the benchmarks in both their reading comprehension and language usage ability.
The history of NoRekInk at ACS Athens
The NoRedInk program began in the Writing Studio as an ESL/EFL support in January 2020. During the 2020-2021 academic year, the program expanded—from a program only used for ESL/EFL, to additionally cover the entire 6th grade. It eventually expanded throughout the entire middle school in the 2022-2023.
NoRedInk is also part of a longitudinal Action/Evaluation Research on ACS campus. This research is conducted by ACS faculty and staff. It investigates the impact of using NoRedInk on NWEA MAP Language Usage Scores. Preliminary results have found positive correlations to improvements on NWEA MAPS Language Usage scores.