Α night of myth and dance
Nina Papathanasopoulou, Classics Professor at College Year in Athens (CYA), a study abroad program in Athens for students studying at US colleges, and ACS parent of a 8th and 6th grader, will be giving a presentation on Martha Graham and Greek Mythology titled "Martha Graham Interprets Greek Myths: Violence and Revenge through the Dancing Body". The presentation will be in Greek and will take place on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 20.30 at the Theater of ACS Athens.
The presentation draws on Prof. Papathanasopoulou's research on Martha Graham and Greek Mythology and integrates live dancing into a talk about Martha Graham's technique, vision, and approach to Greek Mythology. This talk focuses on Graham's reimagining of the myth of Oedipus and Jocasta and her portrayal of the Greek Furies (Erinyes). During the presentation, professional dancers will perform Graham technique combinations as well as excerpts from Graham's stunning Greek-inspired works Night Journey and Clytemnestra. The dances are taught, arranged, and restaged by Graham technique and repertory instructor Penny Diamantopoulou with the support and permission of the Martha Graham Dance Company in New York City.
The presentation highlights Greek mythology’s timeless themes and its preoccupation with universal issues such as the understanding of human nature, human emotions, and human relationships. It also showcases Greece’s cultural heritage and the immense influence of the Ancient Greeks on culture and the arts worldwide.
Tickets can be reserved and purchased here.
Photos by Dimitris Mamaloukos