At ACS Athens, World Kindness Day supports our vision of improving life and living on the planet! World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. The purpose of this day, celebrated on November 13th of each year, is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations.

This year the Elementary School promoted WKD through the lens of “Filling a Bucket”. This is the idea that every living thing on our planet has an invisible bucket that we all carry around with us that no one can see. We can be bucket fillers by performing acts of kindness or we can be bucket dippers when we are not showing kindness. The most important part is the understanding that if we fill a bucket we also fill our own and if we dip in a bucket we also dip on our own! Elementary school wrote ways they could fill a bucket and added it to our giant bucket in our Library! Our school bucket was filled with kindness by the end of the week!

As well as our school bucket, Kindergarteners proudly sang “Fill a Bucket” outdoors. Then, along with 2nd Graders, they took time to write kind messages around campus. 2nd graders also created a Kindness Rainbow where they wrote ways that they could be a rainbow in someone else's bucket!

Another successful year celebrating kindness at ACS Athens!