Today’s Owlcast is all about TED-Ed, the program that provides free, customizable activities for educators to support their students in identifying, developing, and sharing their ideas with each other and the world.

ACS Athens has been collaborating with other schools in these events, as they broaden students' perspectives and expose them to diverse viewpoints and ideas. This interaction encourages a sense of community and cooperation among students from different backgrounds, promoting cultural exchange and understanding. Additionally, it creates opportunities for networking and building relationships that can be beneficial for future academic and career endeavors. Such collaborations also add an element of healthy competition, motivating students to strive for excellence and push the boundaries of their knowledge and presentation skills. Overall, a TED-Ed club that participates in inter-school events is a powerful platform for student growth and development.

One such school that ACS Athens has partnered with is the  De Ring School in the city of Leuven, located close to Brussels in Belgium. The students of the TED club of this school visited us a few weeks ago, and came to the studio, where we found them eager to talk about their individual presentations. Their interaction with our own TED club was truly inspiring.

With us today is one of the ACS Athens TED advisors, Stavi Dimas.

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