2023 will probably be the year when the impact of AI in everyday life really hit a milestone. The Large Language or Language Predictive Models such as ChatGPT took everyone by storm, with progress and updates happening at a breakneck speed. In the future, the effect of AI will definitely mark 2023 as a keystone year.

Last year, we had our first opportunity to discuss with our guest today the impact of AI and science on education. Today, Dr. Antonis Karampelas, Science and Technology faculty at ACS Athens, talks more in-depth about this topic, and we attempt to answer more profound questions. And the timeliness of this discussion is very telling of the speed at which things change. We had this talk earlier in 2023, and it became inevitable that we realize today how things have changed since that discussion.

Today, with Dr. Karampelas, we discuss:

  • AI and large language models, such as ChatGPT;
  • Predicting rather than constructing content;
  • The Importance of AI in Science and Technology Curriculum;
  • How to use AI without giving up our thinking skills;
  • The possible faulty effect of AI due to cultural and social biases and the human factor;
  • and much more...

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