On Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., the Athenian Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) held its annual induction ceremony. This year's inductees were welcomed with warmth and pride by current members and the  ACS Athens community. Their induction into the NHS is not just a recognition of their past accomplishments, but a promise of future impact. As members of this distinguished group, they will have the opportunity to further hone their skills, collaborate with like-minded peers, and make a lasting positive impact on their school, community, and the world.

The ceremony commenced with the traditional candle lighting, a symbolic act imbued with special meaning for the NHS. Each flickering flame represented one of the organization's core principles: the pursuit of knowledge (Scholarship), the ability to inspire and guide others (Leadership), the dedication to helping those in need (Service), and the strength of moral compass (Character). As the inductees lit their candles, the room glowed with the collective brilliance of their achievements and aspirations, symbolizing the shared values of ACS Athens and the National Honor Society.