Have you ever wondered where we'll live if Earth becomes unlivable? ACS Athens fifth graders tackled this challenge head-on with their amazing "Alpha Project" exhibition! Inspired by NASA, they became space architects, collaborating in groups to design functional human cities on another celestial body.

Imagine moons, asteroids, and planets teeming with life! Each group meticulously researched their chosen location and then raced to create the coolest space city. Their efforts culminated in a dazzling exhibition featuring:

  • Presentations bursting with ideas: Students presented their designs through captivating PPTs, complete with data charts and even videos.
  • Videos, Displays, and Data Charts: They brought their cities to life with incredible hands-on projects, showcasing their creativity and ingenuity.
  • The excitement was contagious! A wave of pride and accomplishment filled the fifth-grade wing as students presented their visions for the future.