On Friday, October 16, ACS Athens organized a Covid-19 virtual presentation with Dr. John Schneider.

During this virtual presentation, ACS Athens parents, staff, and faculty had the opportunity to hear Dr. John Schneider talk about COVID-19 and how the pandemic aspects pertain to our community's well-being.

The presentation concluded with Dr. Schneider providing valuable feedback to participants during an interesting Q&A session.

Annie Constantinides, Director of Athletics, Recreational Programs & Theater Operations & Crisis Management, thanked Dr. Schneider for his contribution: "Many thanks to Dr. Schneider, an ACS Athens parent and an epidemiologist who graciously volunteered his time to talk to our community about COVID-19. He provided important information and answered a number of questions as many of us are eager to find answers and guidance in these unprecedented times".

Dr. John Schneider MD, MPH, is an infectious disease specialist and a Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Chicago, with a track record of successful research that spans HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and now COVID-19. He started the COVID-19 contact tracing program at Howard Brown Health (HBH), where he is the medical director of the HBH 55th street clinic. The National Institutes of Health support his COVID-19 research, and he has several publications in COVID-19 as it pertains to contact tracing and vulnerable communities in the United States. Dr. Schneider also provides consultation and technical assistance for organizations on appropriate COVID-19 prevention strategies and has mentored many successful staff, students, trainees, fellows, and junior faculty.

To watch the recorded virtual presentation, click here.